Monday, April 6, 2009

Celebrity Tweeting

I found an article in the Chicago Tribune entitled "Celebrities on Twitter: Real or Fake?" In my mind, I said to myself 'fake, no question." This writer gives an interesting twist on the idea in that maybe their tweets are real, but they have a hidden meaning. Unfortunately, identity theft on twitter is just going to make the social networking site lose its credibility, if it had any in the first place.

Check it out. See what you think celebrities are saying, if its them at all.,0,1405201.story


  1. i've noticed a lot of posts by musicians on myspace about joining tweet and how their fans should "follow" their updates. seems a little silly... though i'm on twitter myself, i don't really know why i am.

  2. It is an odd concept. Although, they are people too and perhaps the new internet boom married with narcisism fuels the celebrity tweet world.
