Friday, March 13, 2009

I love Michael Cera

As I was laying in bed bored last night, I decided to bring back a good oldie that all of us have watched a 2008 movie that portrays male teenage akwardness and sexual frustrations better than any boy themselves could act out. That movie is Superbad: a classic. Sorry for all of you that despise this movie, but it is just plain hilarious in all its discusting and obnoxious lines. Not to mention that Michael Cera is a main character and to me, he is quirky and absolutely adorable.

This leads me to his next movie Juno, another well-done story about a 16-year-old girl who gets pregant and decides to go through the pregnancy put the baby up for adoption. This is another movie that makes Cera look like a dork in his short-shorts and timid personality, but his akwardly sweet adolescent character is genious.

Nick and Nora's Infinite Playlist was a alternative type film about two teens' mutual love for music, and more specifically, a band named Fluffy that ultimately brings the two together. In this movie, Cera plays more of a prominent male character, as a musician in a band who makes mix CD's that Nora falls in love with. Although he still maintains his authentic charm, Cera got what he deserved as the sought after "hot guy."


  1. I love Michael Cera too. He's a great actor, and these are 3 of my favorite movies.

  2. I lovveeeeeedddddd Superbad! In fact, my co-workers at the restaurant I used to work at, and I, used to always quote it.

    Juno, on the other hand, I was not very fond of. It just didn't strike a cord with me. I'm not saying that it was a bad movie, I just had no chemistry with it (if that makes any sense).

    I've never heard of the third one. Perhaps I will give it a look.

  3. Superbad was hilarious. Also, on a side note, my friends have been giving me endless crap about Cera's Superbad character because I used to be exactly like that in high school, all the way down to his mannerisms...
